Wednesday 13 November 2013

Purple flowers have an enchanted, other worldly quality to them. Their soft color gently pulses with mystery. Purple flowers symbolize charm, grace, elegance, and refinement.

Purple flowers have an enchanted, other worldly quality to them. Their soft color gently pulses with mystery. Purple flowers symbolize charm, grace, elegance, and refinement.

Fresh white flowers are most closely associated with purity and innocence. The delicate white blossoms represent honesty, purity, and perfection. White flowers are ideal when you are looking to communicate that wonderful combination of elegance and innocence.

Fresh white flowers are most closely associated with purity and innocence. The delicate white blossoms represent honesty, purity, and perfection. White flowers are ideal when you are looking to communicate that wonderful combination of elegance and innocence.

Combining the purity and innocence of little branches with the passion of de-focus signal of harmony and excitement

Combining the purity and innocence of little branches with the passion of de-focus signal of harmony and excitement.

Saturday 29 June 2013

An Elegant Dove

Pakistani Dove (A Common Dove in the surronding of Lahore). I was ready to make the perfect click and abruptly dove turn down their face and i took the picture from behind.